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Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Identifying gaps between the legislative tools of soil protection in the EU member states for a common European soil protection legislationStankovics, Petra; Tóth, Gergely; Tóth, Zoltán; PhD hallgató; egyetemi oktató, kutatóTo ensure an adequate level of protection in the European Union (EU), the European Commission (EC) adopted the Soil Thematic Strategy in 2006, including a proposal for a Soil Framework Directive (the Directive). However, a minority of Member States (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Austria, and The Netherlands) could not agree on the text of the proposed Directive. Consequently, the EC decided to withdraw the proposal in 2014. In the more than 10 years that have passed since the initial proposal, a great number of new evidences on soil degradation and its negative consequences, have proved the necessity of a common European soil protection Directive. This study is aimed at specifying the possible obstacles, differences, and gaps in legislature and administration in the countries that formed the blocking minority, which resulted in the refusal of the Directive. The individual legislations of the opposing countries on the matter, were summarized and compared with the goals set by the Directive, in three highlighted aspects: (1) soil-dependent threats, (2) contamination, and (3) sealing. We designed a simple schematic evaluation system to show the basic levels of differences and similarities. We found that the legislative regulations concerning soil-dependent degradation and contamination issues in the above countries were generally well defined, complementary, and thorough. A common European legislation can be based on harmonised approaches between them, focusing on technical implementations. In the aspect of sealing we found recommendations, principles, and good practices rather than binding regulations in the scrutinised countries. Soil sealing is an issue where the proposed Directive’s measures, could have exceeded those of the Member States.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A mezőgazdasági földhasználattal kapcsolatos talajvédelmi szabályok kritikai elemzéseStankovics, Petra; Kovács, Barnabás; Tóth, Zoltán; PhD hallgató; egyetemi oktató, kutatóA természeti erőforrások, így a talaj védelme mindennapi feladatunkká vált, amely a védelem szabályozási és intézményi rendszerének időről időre történő értékelését, újra gondolását követeli meg. Ez indokolja, hogy ismételten foglalkozzunk a talajok minőségét veszélyeztető hatásokkal, éppen azok kivédése, a káros hatások lehetőség szerinti megelőzése és a talajok jó minőségének megőrzése, valamint az ezt szolgáló környezetvédelmi szabályozás javítása, pontosítása érdekében. A dolgozat a talajvédelem kapcsán a mezőgazdasági földhasználat talajminőséget érintő hatásaival foglalkozik, különös tekintettel a vonatkozó szabályozásokra és azok fejlesztésére. A földhasználó talajvédelmi kötelezettségeit a fizikai talajpusztulási folyamatok közül az erózió és tömörödés példáján keresztül mutatjuk be. Áttekintjük az érvényben lévő szabályozás jelenlegi helyzetét, a fejlesztés igényeit és lehetőségeit, konklúziónkban javaslatokat téve a szabályozás pontosítására, illetve kiegészítésére.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető REGULATION OF AMMONIA EMISSION IN THE EU WITH FOCUS ON HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL POLICYStankovics, Petra; Tóth, Zoltán; PhD hallgató; egyetemi oktató, kutatóAmmonia (NH3) contributes to acid deposition and eutrophication, which can lead to potential negative changes occurring in soil, air and water quality. Through dedicated Union policy significant progress has been achieved over the past 20 years in the EU in the field of NH3 emissions reduction. In Hungary more emissions of air pollutants have dropped significantly since 1990, however, air pollution continues to be a cause for concern and has a significant health-damaging effect. The new NEC Directive ensures 2020 and 2030 emission reduction commitments for five main air pollutants including NH3. The Directive requires that the Member States draw up National Air Pollution Control Programmes. In Hungary the application procedure is in progress, however the legislators are struggling with the problem of that livestock accounts for over 90% of NH3 emissions but the government do not wants to decrease the animal production. This paper gives an overview of the current legislation about ammonia emissions in the EU and how Hungary can implement the required measures in current agricultural policy. The publication is supported by the EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008 project. The project is co-financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The Challenges of Sustainability in Hungarian Land Tenure PolicyStankovics, Petra; PhD hallgatóLand management practices in present day agriculture are getting more and more important where food grain production and fertilizer use run parallel to meet the food requirements of over increasing population, one of the key issues related to land tenure is the degree to which the tenure arrangement encourages sustainable land management. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society’s food and textile needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (European Union, 1998). A possible way to reach sustainability is support organic farming practicies in national land tenure systems. Organic agriculture is the practice of growing, raising, or processing goods using methods that avoid the use of most synthetic pesticides and fertilizers (Sheoran et al, 2018). This research tried to investigate the effect of land tenure policy with special focus on organic farming in the Hungarian context. Land tenure is the relationship, whether legally or customarily defined, among people, as individuals or groups, with respect to land. The legal concept of sustainable land tenure can be interpreted as a special branch of law dealing with state institutions, which are for the most appropriate development of land management system. The subdivisions of this legal system are (i) land use, (ii) land ownership (iii) land protection and (iv) land administration (Tanka, 2008). In this paper we examine the legislaton of land use and ownership, and how organic farming is or could be interpreted in these subdivisions.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető The legal aspects of agricultural organic products and land policyStankovics, Petra; Kovács, Barnabás; PhD hallgatóThe study presents the most important rules concerning the sector of agricultural production in the EU to contribute the agricultural and rural development support system focusing after 2020. The dissertation analyzes the regulation of organic farming production and the land policy in the European Union. The agricultural organic production is a complex system that includes economic governance and food production, combining best environmental and climate protection practices, ensuring high levels of biodiversity, conserving natural resources and applying high animal welfare standards and high-level production rules that meet the growing consumer demand for products made using natural materials and processes. It confirms the actuality of the paper that the objectives of the CAP after 2020 is to create a legal framework for implementing new agricultural policy, that should be promote fair competition and the proper functioning of the internal market for organic products, to maintain and justify consumer confidence in eco-labeled goods.Tétel Szabadon hozzáférhető Urgent agricultural issues of soil protection(2018-06-30) Stankovics, PetraThe primary aim of this study is to draw attention to the importance of legal problems of soil protection. The basis for my study is the ombudsman’s 2016 principle of soil protection. This resolution summarizes the most pressing soil protection measures in 15 points that need to be taken as soon as possible to preserve soil resources. To narrow the wide range of topics, I will examine three points: (1) preservation of soil resources, (2) soil sealing, (3) brownfield instead of greenfield. Hungary is in a special position concerning this most ancient natural resource, as only 11% of all the land covered area of Earth consists of soil, the EU average is less than 30%, while in Hungary it is more than 60%. Despite the existing protective legal requirements, soil degradation is a constant issue. The persistence of population growth spells the need for more arable land, but as a result of the stressful impacts caused by people we are running out of useable topsoil. Assessing both the short and long term process of land reclamation, it can be stated that more and more farmland becomes permanently and imperviously covered for other purposes each year, and as the arable land area decreases, the impervious surface area grows despite all respective decisions, regulations and prohibitions.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető Urgent agricultural issues of soil protectionStankovics, Petra; PhD hallgatóThe primary aim of this study is to draw attention to the importance of legal problems of soil protection. The basis for my study is the ombudsman’s 2016 principle of soil protection. This resolution summarizes the most pressing soil protection measures in 15 points that need to be taken as soon as possible to preserve soil resources. To narrow the wide range of topics, I will examine three points: (1) preservation of soil resources, (2) soil sealing, (3) brownfield instead of greenfield. Hungary is in a special position concerning this most ancient natural resource, as only 11% of all the land covered area of Earth consists of soil, the EU average is less than 30%, while in Hungary it is more than 60%. Despite the existing protective legal requirements, soil degradation is a constant issue. The persistence of population growth spells the need for more arable land, but as a result of the stressful impacts caused by people we are running out of useable topsoil. Assessing both the short and long term process of land reclamation, it can be stated that more and more farmland becomes permanently and imperviously covered for other purposes each year, and as the arable land area decreases, the impervious surface area grows despite all respective decisions, regulations and prohibitions.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A zöldítés szabályozásának alakulása itthon és az Európai UnióbanStankovics, Petra; Tóth, Zoltán; PhD hallgató; egyetemi oktató, kutatóAz EU mezőgazdasági szakpolitikája a Közös Agrárpolitika (KAP) olyan dinamikus támogatási rendszer, melynek fő célkitűzése, hogy lehetővé tegye a fenntartható élelmiszertermelést és a stabil élelmiszerellátást, társadalmi és a környezetvédelmi szempontokat is szem előtt tartva. Ezeket az alapvető társadalmi és környezeti célokat közvetlenül a mezőgazdasági termelők valósítják meg, mivel ők gondoskodnak a földhasználat során a talaj, a víz, a levegő, mint természeti erőforrások fenntartható használatáról és a biodiverzitásról. Kutatásunkban az agrár- és vidékfejlesztési támogatások rendszerének ismertetése után a zöldítéssel foglalkozunk bővebben. A jelenlegi KAP ciklus 2014-től 2020-ig tart, ezért különösen aktuális kérdés, hogy milyen változások várhatóak a 2021 utáni támogatási rendszerben. A zöldítési szabályokat mindenképpen egyszerűsíteni kell annak érdekében, hogy biztosítható legyen, a mezőgazdasági hasznosítás alá vont uniós földterületek fenntartható, de egyben jövedelmező művelése.Tétel Korlátozottan hozzáférhető A zöldítés szabályozásának alakulása itthon és azEurópai UnióbanStankovics, Petra; PhD hallgató