Sztrik, JánosVerdiyeva, Nurana2021-04-292021-04-292021-04-29 purpose of this paper is to examine the performance of call centers that face many challenges and difficulties, most prominently unpredictable and/or time-varying primitives, as well as complex operational control and routing control behavior. The objectives are to identify facts put current computational models of queueing theory, optimal queueing control.With knowledge of probability theory, input and output models, and birth and death cycles,one may derive a variety of different queuing models, including but not limited to the ones described in this research. Furthermore, the objective is to consider using the simulation approach in combination with other methods for estimating the total number of agents needed to handle the frequency of calls at other contact centers and queue-related support centers.Additionally,expressions for the smallest number of agents available to reduce the manpower expense of the different queue modules.It has also been proposed that the call center include a maximum number of staff.50enmodellingqueuequeueing theorycall centerPerformance modelling of call centersDEENK Témalista::Informatika