Takácsné Tóth, EmőkeKasza, Blanka2024-06-262024-06-262024https://hdl.handle.net/2437/375038The thesis explores the multifaceted issue of obesity, with a focus on the United States of America. It highlights the significance of examining the topic beyond medical discourse, as it has a great impact not only on individuals but on the nation as a whole as well. The text advocates for increased awareness directed towards sensitive population groups, as a lack of representation hinders their situation. Additionally, it examines several aspects of obesity, including the body mass index measurement system, preventive measures, and contributing factors like psychological and socioeconomic influences.30enObesitySocial sciencesAmerican culture and societyThe Obesity Crisis in an American and Global ContextdiplomamunkaSocial SciencesHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.