Bertha, CsillaMéhi, Edina2013-06-072013-06-072009-07-232013-06-07 the three dramas I have chosen, Friel’s Faith Healer, and Aristocrats, Tom Murphy’s Bailegangaire deal with memory but in a different way. Memory and the distortions of it are being concerned in all of them. In Faith Healer, one can see individual monologues from different perspectives. Almost all of the three characters’ Frank’s, Grace’s, Teddy’s monologues greatly differ from each other. That makes the drama more interesting and fascinating. In spite of the fact, that all of them have different versions, each of the characters can say something new to us, readers. We can experience many different perspectives which is good, because we can create our own personal opinion. We are not forced to listen to only one monologue, but to many different monologues from which we can put bits and pieces together.43enIrish dramaBrian FrielTom MurphymemoryhistoryMemory and Reality in Contemporary Irish LiteraturediplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudomány::Összehasonlító irodalomtudományip