Kőrösi, MártaJeneiné Fekete, Marianna2013-03-262013-03-262010-04-232013-03-26http://hdl.handle.net/2437/162649Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is a work which one could hardly believe that it was written in the 19th century, more than a hundred years ago, yet so relevant to the acceptation of a contemporary writer’s novella. Although Heart of Darkness is about the modern era’s phenomena of the colonization process and the overt superior feeling of white man, it also applies postmodernist elements to reveal the author’s opinion which includes a rather harsh criticism of human nature and an approach to the world’s phenomena that are communicated through paradoxical establishments.45enpostmodernismcolonialismcontrapuntal readinghomo duplexAt the Edge of Modernity and PostmodernitydiplomamunkaOverlapping Eras in Joseph Conrad's Heart of DarknessDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudományip