Ameri, PietroMercurio, ValentinaPollesello, PieroAnker, Markus S.Backs, JohannesBayes-Genis, AntoniBorlaug, Barry A.Burkhoff, DanielCaravita, SergioChan, StephenMan, Frances deGiannakoulas, GeorgeGonzález, AránzazuGuazzi, MarcoHassoun, Paul M.Hemnes, Anna R.Maack, ChristophMadden, BrendanMelenovsky, VojtechMüller, Oliver J.Papp, ZoltánPullamsetti, Soni SavaiRainer, Peter P.Redfield, Margaret M.Rich, StuartSchiattarella, Gabriele G.Skaara, HallStellos, KostantinosTedford, Ryan J.Thum, ThomasVachiery, Jean LucMeer, Peter van derLinthout, Sophie VanPruszczyk, PiotrSeferović, Petar M.Coats, AndrewMetra, MarcoRosano, Giuseppe M. C.Rosenkranz, StephanTocchetti, Carlo Gabriele2024-04-302024-04-302024European Journal Of Heart Failure. -26 : 4 (2024), p. 707-729. -Eur. J. Heart Fail. - 1388-9842. - 1879-08441879-08441388-9842 roadmap for therapeutic discovery in pulmonary hypertension associated with left heart failure. A scientific statement of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC and the ESC Working Group on Pulmonary Circulation & Right Ventricular Functionfolyóiratcikkopen access articleányokElméleti orvostudományokő