Fazakas, Gergely Tamás2024-07-222024-07-222024-06-27Studia Litteraria, Évf. 63 szám 3–4 (2024): Újrajátszások: Emlékezés, megidézés, átértelmezés a művészetekben , 162–176.0562-2867https://hdl.handle.net/2437/376586Th is paper examines acts and artefacts that can be interpreted as performative statements. I focus on international and Hungarian, artistic and partly amateur re-enactments, as well as on fiction and works of history writing that can be considered pseudo-historical, counterfactual or, in Sylvia Sasse and Inke Arns’s term, “as-if ”-reenactments in their entirety or to some extent. These performative accounts of the past, both in the artistic and in non-artistic fields, have not been systematically investigated in reenactment studies.Th is paper examines acts and artefacts that can be interpreted as performative statements. I focus on international and Hungarian, artistic and partly amateur re-enactments, as well as on fiction and works of history writing that can be considered pseudo-historical, counterfactual or, in Sylvia Sasse and Inke Arns’s term, “as-if ”-reenactments in their entirety or to some extent. These performative accounts of the past, both in the artistic and in non-artistic fields, have not been systematically investigated in reenactment studies.application/pdfÚjrajátszani, ami nem történt megfolyóiratcikkOpen Accesshttps://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2024/63/14555Studia Litteraria3–463Stud.litt.2063-1049