Szabó , ErzsébetJoby, Sneha2024-04-192024-04-192024-03-03 aim of the thesis is to find the effect of cannabinoid derivative LE-127/2 on cell proliferation and apoptosis of human melanoma cells compared to their mother CBG. According to the experimental research, it is very remarkable that LE-127/2 has less cytotoxic effect to HaCaT cells than its mother CBG. The fact that the new CBG derivative has low cytotoxicity to healthy cells could be a potential drug candidate with possibly lower side effects, so that it could be tolerated by patients in the longer term. In summary, we can also conclude that treatment with LE-127/2 leads to apoptosis, with some apoptotic proteins being activated while others do not change significantly.39enNew therapeutic approach for skin cancerEffect of a LE-127/2, a new CBG derivative, on apoptosis of melanoma cell linesMedicine::PharmacologyHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.