Fézer, Tamásde Vos, Ben2018-05-292018-05-292018-05-29http://hdl.handle.net/2437/252919The thesis that follows discusses and explains the financial regulations concerning the Markets in Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2014/65/EU (hereafter, ‘MiFID II’). A broad look at this complex directive will be had and then certain elements of it will be clarified. Further, the implications of MiFID II thus far will be analysed. The topic will take on a global view and not be limited to the European context. The thesis will then move onto the legal aspect and focus on the Courts and their role with regards to MiFID II. Regulations, jurisprudence and jurisdiction will be deliberated and their development or, lack thereof. In short, the technical aspects of MiFID II will be tackled and then the theoretical aspects of the law will be considered. Finally, the value of MiFID II will be determined.35 p.enMiFID IIMiFID II: What the ‘MiF’ is going on?DEENK Témalista::Jogtudomány