Matko, AndreaDe Almeida Policarpo, Izabella Carolina2024-06-202024-06-202024-05-15 thesis investigates the alignment between the projected organizational identity, the desired organizational identity, and the perceived organizational identity in a multinational Hungarian company, focusing on the impact of cultural diversity within a multicultural team. Recognizing the challenges and opportunities that cultural diversity presents, the research aims to understand how these differences influence team dynamics, strategic management, and overall organizational effectiveness. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data from online questionnaires with qualitative insights from individual interviews to provide a comprehensive analysis of the organizational culture as projected by the company and perceived by its employees. The literature review emphasizes the evolution of people management, highlighting the shift from traditional human resources management to a more holistic people management approach that values cultural diversity and strategic alignment. The management of multicultural teams is explored, aiming to understand the key factors influencing this process and effective strategies to promote successful integration. Organizational Identity Alignment: The research seeks to determine whether the organizational identity, as perceived by employees, aligns with the vision set forth by the managers. This alignment is crucial for fostering a unified direction, improving communication, and enhancing team engagement and commitment.60enOrganizational ManagementMulticultural TeamCultura OrganizacionalIdentidade OrganizacionalEstrategySTRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF A MULTICULTURAL TEAMSocial SciencesHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.