Kalmár, GyörgyUszkai, Patrik2022-05-112022-05-112022-03-30http://hdl.handle.net/2437/333044In my thesis I will mainly focus on female action hero movies, and how well the heroines are constructed in these movies, from a number of different aspects. These include aspects such as how empowering they are for women, how they relate to the male gaze and how seriousness and the fun element appears in these movies. I will mainly look at Kill Bill V1 and V2(Quentin Tarantino, 2003), but also analyse it along with similar movies from the 2000’s such as Catwoman(Pitof, 2004) and Charlies Angles(McG, 2003), while also comparing them to more older movies such as the Alien and Terminator 2. In this paper, I will mainly argue that while the heroines of Alien and Terminator 2 cross-dresses as males to be action heroes, the heroines of the 2000’ embrace their femininity and slender figures as female heroes, with much greater focus on empowering other women – at the cost of greater vulnerability and exposure to the male gaze.37enFeminismMale GazeFilm AnalysisFemale EmpowermentFemale Action heroGirl Power versus The Male GazediplomamunkaThe Female Action Hero in 2000's CinemaDEENK Témalista::Kultúratudomány