Rácz, IstvánNagy, Ágnes2013-03-182013-03-182010-04-152013-03-18http://hdl.handle.net/2437/161989Transcendentalism in the poetry of Philip Larkin is a complex question, and there are a lot of aspects that have to be discussed to give a clear view about it. The aim of this thesis is to study the factors that enable readers to give an analysis about transcendental features of larkin's poems. The complexity of his poetry allows a lot of readings. The thesis tries to give an interpretation of Larkin's poems through many examples of his lifework through the eyes of a Hungarian reader. It also aims to reflect on the often-debated question: larkin and religion.43enreligiontranscendental motivesambiguity"Only in books the flat and final happens"diplomamunkaTranscendence in the Poetry of Philip LarkinDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudomány::Összehasonlító irodalomtudományip