Erdey, LászlóHidri, Eya2023-05-152023-05-152023-04-26 research aims to determine and compare the impact of COVID-19 on tourism in Spain and Türkiye, two countries that are economically different but that rely heavily on tourism for their growth. This literature study begins with a global overview of the pandemic's consequences before examining the implications of COVID-19 on the tourism industries in Spain and Türkiye. Python programming language was used for data analysis. Accordingly, data between Spain and Türkiye was then compared and examined mainly using visualizations like line charts and heat maps. Findings depicted and discussed the different impacts of COVID-19 on their tourism industries.81enTourismCOVID-19SpainTürkiyeComparative Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism in Spain and TürkiyeA COVID-19 Spanyolországi és Törökországi Turizmusra Gyakorolt Hatásának Összehasonlító ElemzéseDEENK Témalista::Közgazdaságtudomány