Molnár, EdinaMurtaza, Shah Ali2024-04-082024-04-082024 study delves into the intricate connections between social media usage, social media fatigue, procrastinatory behavior, and work-life balance within Pakistan's corporate sector. Through an exploration of the frequency and duration of social media engagement, as well as the prevalence of social media fatigue, the research aims to uncover how these factors influence employees' tendencies to procrastinate and their ability to maintain a healthy balance between work responsibilities and personal life. By focusing on the unique cultural and organizational dynamics of Pakistan's corporate environment, the study seeks to provide insights that can inform organizational policies and individual strategies for managing social media usage and promoting work-life harmony among employees. The novelty of this study lies in the use of emotional regulation as moderator in this setting, which gives insights into how the psychological mechanisms regulate the negative emotions arising in employees that impact work-life balance and procrastinatory behavior.159ensocial media usagesocial media fatigueprocrastinatory behaviorwork-life balanceemotional regulationINVESTIGATING THE INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SOCIAL-MEDIA USE AND SOCIAL MEDIA FATIGUE AS ON PROCRASTINATORY BEHAVIOR & WORK-LIFE BALANCE IN PAKISTAN'S CORPORATE SECTORINVESTIGATING THE INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SOCIAL-MEDIA USE AND SOCIAL MEDIA FATIGUE AS ON PROCRASTINATORY BEHAVIOR & WORK-LIFE BALANCE IN PAKISTAN'S CORPORATE SECTORGazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományokTársadalomtudományok