Korányi, DávidMarkó, ViktorKondorosy, Előd2019-04-152019-04-15http://hdl.handle.net/2437/265519The presence of Psallus assimilis Stichel, 1956 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) is reported for the first time from Hungary. Specimens were collected from the canopy of field maple (Acer campestre L.) trees in Budapest, Diósd and Törökbálint in spring of 2015, 2016 and 2017. Our study indicates that P. assimilis is one of the most abundant heteropteran species in the canopy of field maple trees not only in suburban and urban forests but also on individual street trees in highly urbanized locations in Budapest. We provide photographs of the habitus and diagnostic characters of adults17-22, 6 oldalenHeteroptera, Acer campestre, urban areas, distribution, faunisticsFirst record of Psallus assimilis in Hungaryidegen nyelvű peer review publikációtudományterületek::környezettudományok