Tóth, ÁgnesLakatos, Szilvia2013-01-292013-01-292011-04-152013-01-29http://hdl.handle.net/2437/156971Katherine Susannah Prichard (1883 – 1969) was born with "ink in her veins" (http://kspf.iinet.net.au/katharine/). After writing several short stories, plays and novels she was one of the first Australian women writers who became internationally known. She was concerned about problems of society. She did not fight through only writing but she was a foundation member of the Communist Party of Australia. Through Coonardoo – The Well in the Shadow (1926) she was willing to fight for the rights of Aboriginal people who were not treated as full members of Australian society even in the twentieth century. In 1919 Prichard spent several months in the north-west of Australia, the Kimberley region. She was there to collect informaion about station life for a novel in preparaion. The experience that she gained there had a strong effect on Prichard and she began to write Coonardoo.19enCoonardoAborigineCoonardodiplomamunkaLinks and Gaps Within Australian SocietyDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudomány::Összehasonlító irodalomtudományip