Furkó, PéterPapp, Andrea2013-06-052013-06-052009-04-152013-06-05http://hdl.handle.net/2437/170350The purpose of this present study is to explore and introduce some of the basic reasons of showing politeness in different ways by women and men. Considering that different cultures have different norms to express politeness, this work is focused mainly on the Western and European cultures, and the examples and the findings of the figures were taken from these linguistic environments as well. This research paper is aimed to find answers the question that why women and men use different politeness forms namely why women are more willing to express politeness towards others than men. This fact is analyzed through different politeness strategies and my personal researches confirm it as well. The American culture is introduced in a way that the English is politically correct, polite language, corroborating it with some of the most frequently used examples of euphemism. The importance and usefulness of linguistic politeness reside in the human relationships making them more valuable and enjoyable.33enpolitenesswomen and menresearchWomen and Men in the Fight for the More Polite Genderdiplomamunka'Would you please open the window, if you don't mind?'DEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Alkalmazott nyelvészetip