Bartha, IldikóVeizer, Yvette2018-05-312018-05-312018-05-30 presented in this study the appearance of “new wave” companies such as Uber is controversial and raise many questions. Some of these questions is company law related others are labor law. The papers also presented that the European Member States approach is also not unified. Some countries accept the presence of the company but some countires like Hungary denies it and do not allow its operation. As Uber is quiet a new phenomenon the ECJ’s case law respecting the legal questions in connection to the company is not completely developed, however as presented in this study there are some available cases. This is important for the EU Member States as they might get a better understanding how they should deal with the challenges of the appearance of companies such as Uber.34enUberlabor lawtransportationThe Uber phenomenonDEENK Témalista::Jogtudomány