Milics, GáborVér, AndrásSzekeres, LajosKauser, Jakab2019-10-072019-10-07 rate technology (VRT) in nutrient management has been developed in order to apply crop inputs according to the required amount of fertilizers. There is an ongoing debate among experts on how to define management zones as well as how to define the required amount of fertilizers for phosphorus and nitrogen replenishment for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production. The objective of the study reported in this paper was to investigate the effect of variable rate phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer application in winter wheat in Mezőföld, Hungary. Winter wheat production based on variable rate nutrient treatment resulted in 1.19 t/hamore yield than the farm average while applying an average 108 kg/ha less nitrogen and 37 kg/ha more phosphorus fertilizer.547-553en-USWinter wheatVRA phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizingEffect of variable rate phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizing on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Mezőföld, Hungaryproceedingstudományterületek::növénytudományok