Kissné Gulyás, JuditHorcinova, Edina2013-02-252013-02-252010-06-092013-02-25 over half of the world’s population can be considered to be bilingual. The majority of people acknowledge that in today’s world knowing one language is not enough. Just consider the fact that in applying for a job the fluent use of at least two languages is a basic requirement and the situation is the same in the university context as well. Consequently or as a result of this, a lot of people choose to be bilingual so to learn a second or even a third language. These people are mostly teenagers and adults. We also have to take those into consideration who have the chance to live in a bi- or multilingual society, or those who are born into such a society, and contrary to those who learn the target language as a foreign language, they acquire the second or even the third language in native environment. In this situation besides adults we can find young people, the subjects of my thesis.29ennyelv elsajátításkétnyelvűségkissebbségi kétnyelvűségBilingual Language Acquisition in a Hungarian-Speaking Slovak Village, RaddiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Alkalmazott nyelvészetip