Nagy, IstvánBatok Embanglian, Eddy Christopher2011-11-242011-11-242011-11-242011-11-24 is a potential allergic agent in the Hungarian fauna. With it’s pollen can cause serious health problems, affecting more than 1,5 million Hungarian citizens. To increase the effectiveness of the elimination, positive incentives would be more useful. Prior to this, changing the approach instead of only sanctioning, use as a raw material for industrial products can be even a positive economic impact.41enanalysis of ragweedmeasure of solubility,parlagfű analízisoldékonyság mérésExperimental analysis of ragweed (Ambrosia elatior) extract with measure of solubility, IR & UV-VISDEENK Témalista::Kémia::Fizikai kémiano_restriction