Mathey, ÉvaBarna, Beatrix2022-05-172022-05-172022-04-13 United States of America could be considered a successful model for feminism since the US women’s rights movements achieved better conditions for women throughout history. However, as recent findings suggest, the situation of women in the USA is not picture-perfect. There are discrimination and harassment cases in politics, media, and workplaces in the USA. Not to mention the fact, that abortion rights are also becoming more restricted in the states. Therefore, my thesis explores recent research to show that there are new, modern ways to abuse the situation of women in the USA, but also possible solutions are gathered to prove that there are ways to solve the problems and the USA still could be seen as a relevant model, for example for Hungarian feminists.56enfeminismsociologyUSAwage gapsparental leaveinvisible worksexual misconductoversexualizationunderrepresentationmediadigital mediapoliticsabortion#MetoodiscriminationTitle IXRoe v WadeModern Abuse Against Women in the U.S.diplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::TársadalomtudományokDEENK Témalista::KultúratudományHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.