Szemán-Nagy, GáborHaider, Sabir2023-05-082023-05-082023-05-05 thesis is about the near-infrared image analysis of plant development. The plant we are observing is Zea Mays. The traditional methods and technology for the production of maize is a slow and prolong. Farmers had to wait for the seasons of growing which influence the demand of maize and affected the economy of the country. Our research has develope a method through which we can increase the production of maize. We have used a new device called Demeter and discovered new method using the model plant maize. This device helps us to investigate the germination of maize in its early stages, the overall experiments were carried out with the use of four salts. Sodium chloride, Potassium chloride, Magnesium cholride and Lithium lactate. These salts showed different effects on the growth of the maize seed, it was observed by the increase in the concentration of the salt that germination of the seed was reduced as a result the total mass was decreased. By finding the final results we concluded that maize is not affected by near-infrared light but the salts and the medium it is growing. The results of this study gives us knowledge and methods by which we can claim that we have an easy, quick and not too expensive method through which we can increase the productivity of maize. This method and technology as compared to the traditional is more benefical as farmers can cultivate maize anytime all over the year that has a direct connection to the fulfilment of the maize demand and growth of the economy of a country.34enZea mayLImage analysisSalt toleranceNear-infrared image analysis of plant Embryonic developementDEENK Témalista::Biológiai tudományokHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.