Garai, IldikóNguyen, Long2023-11-132023-11-132023 is a newly developed therapeutic option for the treatment of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer with symptomatic bone metastases and no known visceral metastatic disease. Its efficacy and safety profile has been a focus of study for recent years after the pivotal ALSYMPCA trial. The purpose of this study is to review the efficacy and safety of Ra-223 therapy on bone metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer based on recent literature data.42enradium-223, prostate cancer, bone metastases, efficacy, safetyEfficacy and safety of Radium-223 therapy in castration-resistant prostate cancer with bone metastasesDEENK Témalista::Orvostudomány::Nukleáris medicinaHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.