Stankovics, PetraTóth, Zoltán2019-04-172019-04-17 (NH3) contributes to acid deposition and eutrophication, which can lead to potential negative changes occurring in soil, air and water quality. Through dedicated Union policy significant progress has been achieved over the past 20 years in the EU in the field of NH3 emissions reduction. In Hungary more emissions of air pollutants have dropped significantly since 1990, however, air pollution continues to be a cause for concern and has a significant health-damaging effect. The new NEC Directive ensures 2020 and 2030 emission reduction commitments for five main air pollutants including NH3. The Directive requires that the Member States draw up National Air Pollution Control Programmes. In Hungary the application procedure is in progress, however the legislators are struggling with the problem of that livestock accounts for over 90% of NH3 emissions but the government do not wants to decrease the animal production. This paper gives an overview of the current legislation about ammonia emissions in the EU and how Hungary can implement the required measures in current agricultural policy. The publication is supported by the EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008 project. The project is co-financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund.3 oldalenammonia emission, regulation, Hungarian agricultural policyREGULATION OF AMMONIA EMISSION IN THE EU WITH FOCUS ON HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL POLICYkonferencia kiadványtudományterületek::kertészettudományok