Glant, TiborDávidné Kovalcsik, Gabriella2013-06-242013-06-242008-04-292013-06-24 has always been considered “the land of the unlimited opportunities;” hence, it has attracted millions of foreigners who had chosen this remote and promising country as their new homeland or decided to visit the United States; there have been several Hungarians among them since the Middle Ages. After their return to the homeland, lots of our compatriots wanted to share their experiences with the residents of the old country, and committed their adventures and thoughts to paper. The Hungarian readers were always interested in any information about this vast, mysterious and promising country that ensured freedom for millions of persecuted people and adventurers; their curiosity was fulfilled by the travelogues of the Hungarian visitors.67enHungarian traveloguesAmericaKádár-eraHungarian Travelogues of America in the Kádár eradiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Történelemtudomány::Egyetemes történetip