Rajeczky BenjáminLászló Dobszay (cond.) ; Janka Szendrei (cond.) ; Schola Hungarica2008-12-112008-12-111979HCD_12049http://hdl.handle.net/2437/55966Magyar gregoriánum: Gregorian chants from Medieval Hungary = Gregorián énekek a középkori Magyarországról : Nagyhét1.Gloria, laus et honor - Hymn ;2.First lamentation: Et factum est ;3.In monte Oliveti - Responsory ;4.Traditor autem - Benedictus antiphon ;5.Kyrie puerorum ;6.Tellus ac aethra jubilent - Hymn ;7.Ante diem festum - Antiphon ;8.Reading: Amen, amen dico vobis ;9.Second lamentation: Quomodo obtexit ;10.Vadis, propitiator - Responsory ;11.St John Passion - excerpt: Adducunt ergo Jesum ;12.Dum fabricator mundi - Antiphon ;13.The Prayer of Jeremiah the Prophet: Recordare, Domine ;14.Recessit pastor noster - Responsory12 cm1 CDMagyar Gregoriánum 3http://webpac.lib.unideb.hu:8082/WebPac/CorvinaWeb?action=cclfind&resultview=long&ccltext=idno+bibKLT00109240bibKLT00109240