Moise, GabriellaAcsai, Krisztina2013-06-142013-06-142008-04-182013-06-14 Winterson creates a specific language and world in her novels, a world that is between fiction and reality, it is on the borderline of tales, myths, and legends. This world is like a vision, it changes, moves, it is full of legendary heroes and heroines, biblical figures, folkloric creatures, tale-like elements and motifs. These texts are like water, like a river due to the changes, the reflections, reappearances, transfigurations and transgressions. Words, ideas, motifs, characters appear again and again but with different references and meanings. The reader also plays an operative role, it is up to him/her what to believe, how to elucidate the text. In this essay I examine these phenomena through two novels of Winterson: The Passion and The PowerBook.63enintertextualitytransgressionsMaps of the Buried TreasurediplomamunkaJeanette Winterson's Tale-like WorldDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudomány::Összehasonlító irodalomtudományip