Bartha, IldikóElobeid Mohamed, Moneeb2023-05-302023-05-302023-05-26 thesis is a comparison between the free movement of trade in EU and Africa. I have explained in details about the EU background and treaties and on the other side explained about the ECOWAS and AFCFTA which is the two main regional integration in Africa. I stated the recommendation of the EU and ECOWAS and AFCFTA and what is missing to become better but focused more on the recommendation of ECOWAS and AFCFTA. I have explained the advantages and disadvantages of the free movement of trade in the EU and as well as the obstacles facing the free movement in the EU. And last but not least i have stated the advanatges of AFCFTA to the African economy and benefits of ECOWAS.34enFree movement of TradeAfricaEUComparison between free movement of trade in Eu and AfricaDEENK Témalista::Jogtudomány