Beu-Dachin, Eugenia2020-09-01Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis, Vol. 56 (2020) , 37-600418-453X 200 inscriptions have been found at Potaissa so far. Some of them disappeared and their texts are known to us exclusively from publications, others are kept in museum collections. The subject of this study is their linguistic examination, by following the peculiarities and the deviations from the classical norms of the language. When possible, this data will be related to details on the donors, on the provenance of the epigraphs, on their type, and on other information that can contribute to shaping the cultural-linguistic profile of the Roman town.application/pdfDaciaPotaissaLatinepigraphylinguisticsLinguistic Peculiarities in the Latin Inscriptions of Potaissa (Dacia)folyóiratcikkOpen AccessActa Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis56Acta Class. Univ. Sci. Debr.2732-3390