Bíróné Nagy, KatalinFekete, Mariann2013-06-042013-06-042009-04-152013-06-04http://hdl.handle.net/2437/170202In my thesis project, I am especially interested in the reason for the decadent lifestyle of Hemingway’s characters and their moral decay. It is also essential to take into consideration the aimlessness of the “Lost Generation,” the theme of life’s meaning; the generational frustration including Jake’s deep psychological frustration and the escapist activities of the generation such as, drinking, debauchery or traveling. “Jake’s purported impotence is a powerful symbol for the emasculated postwar male psyche, and bull-fighting describes sex as warfare on several metaphorical levels” (Internet Source 1). Personally I think Hemingway developed his reputation for addressing issues of gender and sexuality with prevailing themes of masculinity, emasculation, male insecurity and bullfighting. So I would like to be concerned with these themes and symbols as well. In the last but one section of this paper, I will focus on the two most basic components of any human relationship: love and friendship. I also would like to examine the destructive effect of sex, more specifically, the relationship between Jake and Brett. In addition to all these, I will mention some autobiographical elements, the issue of Anti-Semitism, the failure of love, the role of Catholicism and deal with the question who is the code hero in the novel.20enWorld War Ilost generationfailure of loveescapist activitiesAnalysis of the Primary Themes and Symbols in Ernest Miller Hemingway's Masterpiece, The Sun Also RisesdiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Irodalomtudomány::Összehasonlító irodalomtudományip