Dávid, GyulaKissné Szigetvári, Barbara2013-02-082013-02-082011-04-142013-02-08http://hdl.handle.net/2437/159239The aim of my dissertation is to emphasise the significance of early second language learning in Hungary. I would like to demonstrate that bilingual education is very advantageous for young learners and it is a wonderful opportunity to acquire intercultural competences. This programme can operate well and students’ positive attitude towards the target language and culture can be achieved if massive second language exposure, appropriate context, teachers’ proficiency, age-appropriate methodology and the continuity of the programme are provided. However, the most important factor in early bilingual education in a foreign language environment is that all participants should set realistic aims.67enbilingualismimmersion programmeThe Effectiveness of Early Bilingual Education in a Foreign Language EnvironmentdiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Alkalmazott nyelvészetip