Györke, ÁgnesOroszné Koncz, Nóra2013-03-262013-03-262010-12-152013-03-26 thesis should show the tendencies in the world of advertising explicitly, in a logical and understandable way. It should reveal how the unconscious processes can be made conscious. The gender aspect, with the help of the underwear images, should mirror the stages of the changes in society towards sexuality and also that of the representation of men and women in different periods of time. Underwear is the connection between the “man” and the “woman”; it is worn by them for the same period of time. But its function and the way it was (and is) depicted in advertisements is different...41enreklámfehérneműAdvertising and GenderdiplomamunkaThe Evolution of Underwear AdvertisementsDEENK Témalista::Társadalomtudományok::Társadalomelméletip