Kéki, SándorHashimov, Mahir2022-03-032022-03-032022http://hdl.handle.net/2437/329070Mass spectrometry is one of the best methods to analyse complex chemical mixture and compounds. As a compound becomes more complex, it is complicated to evaluate the spectrum. To solve this issue, we apply recently invented data mining method - Mass-Remainder Analysis (MARA) and develop it further to Tandem Mass-Remainder Analysis (TAMARA) to get a simplified graphical representation of the MS/MS spectra. In our research we perform mass spectrometric measurements on different types of polymers such as polyether polyols, various polymer blending and copolymers, and epoxidized vegetable oils.115enmass spectrometrymass remainder analysispolymersvegetable oilsMass-Remainder Analysis (MARA) in the characterization of polymers and epoxidized oilsTömegmaradék analízis (MARA) alkalmazása polimerek és epoxidált olajok karakterizálásáraKémiai tudományokTermészettudományok