Antal, LászlóKahilainen, KimmoTiainen, JuhaMegyeri, Eszter2022-12-192022-12-192022 study focuses on the effect of beaver presence on aquatic insect emergence and potential secondary effect on a possible predator of emerging insects on land, the European pied flycatcher nesting success in boreal headwater lakes in Finland. We focus on i) a clearwater lake shore habitat, ii) a beaver pond and iii) their related non-shore forested control sites; evaluate the abundance and biomass of aquatic emergent and terrestrial flying insects and correlate them as prey availability of the target species on terrestrial habitats: to the European pied flycatcher.49enbeaver, aquatic, terrestrial, invertebrate, coupling, pied flycatcher, borealAquatic and terrestrial coupling in a boreal landscape: How beaver (Castor canadensis) presence supports a small passerine bird - the European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)Vízi és szárazföldi ökológiai rendszerek kapcsolatainak vizsgálata a hód (Castor canadensis) és a kormos légykapó (Ficedula hypoleuca) példáján keresztülDEENK Témalista::Biológiai tudományok