Nagy, VivienSyed, Ruman Nawaz Ali2022-11-162022-11-162022-10-21 first aim was to create something wholesome and nourishing for Europeans. Our primary goal was to include a nutritious component in everyday food products. Therefore, after thorough observation and study, we discovered that baked goods are frequently consumed by people of all ages in this region of the world. Adults and children alike enjoy eating biscuits a lot. This was the major reason we decided to go with biscuits and incorporate fiber (particularly the brewer's spent grain left over after beer manufacturing) into the formulation to use it. Biscuits are the most common type of snack that can be found everywhere. Almost everyone has tried a biscuit at least once in their life. A dough is baked in tiny batches on a big flat pan to make biscuits. There are many different types of biscuits that can be created with various flavors and components.52enbrewer's spent grainbiscuitshigh fiberhigh proteinDevelopment of high fiber biscuits by using brewer’s spent grain as a by-product of the brewing industry in the bakery industryDEENK Témalista::Kémia::Agrokémia