Darab, Ágnes2020-09-112020-09-112017-01-01Studia Litteraria, Évf. 56 szám 1-4 (2017): Médeia-interpretációk , 84–97.0562-2867https://hdl.handle.net/2437/295914Each of the three great Roman tragedians of the Republic, Ennius, Accius and Pacuvius, wrote plays concerned with Medea, but only fragments of these texts have survived. Seneca’s Medea is the only extant dramatic representation of the myth composed between Euripides and Seneca. The paper will try to demonstrate the ways in which the Medea–material is remodelled by this author. The analysis includes the dramatic structure, the narrative strategies and their comparison with relevant passages of other ancient and modern authors on the same material. I will focus on the ambiguous character and the polarities of Seneca’s heroine in connection with his philosophical prose work, De ira.Each of the three great Roman tragedians of the Republic, Ennius, Accius and Pacuvius, wrote plays concerned with Medea, but only fragments of these texts have survived. Seneca’s Medea is the only extant dramatic representation of the myth composed between Euripides and Seneca. The paper will try to demonstrate the ways in which the Medea–material is remodelled by this author. The analysis includes the dramatic structure, the narrative strategies and their comparison with relevant passages of other ancient and modern authors on the same material. I will focus on the ambiguous character and the polarities of Seneca’s heroine in connection with his philosophical prose work, De ira.application/pdf„Hálátlan Iason: hitvesed felismered?”folyóiratcikkOpen AccessStudia Litterariahttps://doi.org/10.37415/studia/2017/56/4102Studia Litteraria1-456Stud.litt.2063-1049