Pusztai, Gábor2021-06-282021-06-282021-03-01Acta Neerlandica, Nr 16-17 (2020): Woord en beeld , 101-1171587-8171https://hdl.handle.net/2437/314920The Hungarian planter László Székely was active as a painter on Sumatra during the first decennia of the 20th century. In 1923 he painted four portraits of people from the planters’ community: The Mandoer , The Moneylender , The Toekang-kebon and The Koelie recruiter , which appeared in the weekly paper De Zweep . In this article I will give an overview of the cultural life in Deli and place Székely’s work in this context. Furthermore, I will explain the uniqueness of Székely’s portraits, using the theory of the English cultural historian Peter Burke.The Hungarian planter László Székely was active as a painter on Sumatra during the first decennia of the 20th century. In 1923 he painted four portraits of people from the planters’ community: The Mandoer , The Moneylender , The Toekang-kebon and The Koelie recruiter , which appeared in the weekly paper De Zweep . In this article I will give an overview of the cultural life in Deli and place Székely’s work in this context. Furthermore, I will explain the uniqueness of Székely’s portraits, using the theory of the English cultural historian Peter Burke.The Hungarian planter László Székely was active as a painter on Sumatra during the first decennia of the 20th century. In 1923 he painted four portraits of people from the planters’ community: The Mandoer , The Moneylender , The Toekang-kebon and The Koelie recruiter , which appeared in the weekly paper De Zweep . In this article I will give an overview of the cultural life in Deli and place Székely’s work in this context. Furthermore, I will explain the uniqueness of Székely’s portraits, using the theory of the English cultural historian Peter Burke.application/pdfDutch East-IndiesDelische KunstkringLászló SzékelySumatraDutch East-IndiesDelische KunstkringLászló SzékelySumatraDutch East-IndiesDelische KunstkringLászló SzékelySumatraDe tuinman, de geldschieter, de koelie-werver en de mandoerfolyóiratcikkOpen AccessActa Neerlandicahttps://doi.org/10.36392/ACTANEERL/2020/16-17/6Acta Neerlandica16-17AN3004-1740