Séllei, NóraAgócs, Andrea2013-05-212013-05-212009-04-062013-05-21http://hdl.handle.net/2437/168737Three generations of women – or rather a three-generation woman? One might rightly ask the question after seeing Stephen Daldry’s The Hours, based on Michael Cunningham’s novel with the same title. The basic structure of the film is that we have three women from different ages of the 20th century. The first one is from the beginning of the century, writing a novel; the second one is from the 1950s reading this novel; and the third one is from the present days re-living and at the same time re-shaping the plot of the novel. However, the plot is much more complex than that, there are similarities which pull the three lines of the story together.25enfemininityalienationsuicideThree Generations of Women - A Three-Generation WomandiplomamunkaStephen Daldry: The HoursDEENK Témalista::Pszichológia::Szociálpszichológiaip