Terhes, KatalinGerencsér, ZsoltNagy, IstvánRadnai, IstvánKasza, RozáliaDalle Zotte, AntonellaCullere, MMatics, Zsolt2022-05-072022-05-07http://hdl.handle.net/2437/332732The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of divergent selection for total body fat content on the production performance and carcass traits of growing rabbits at different ambient temperature. The experiment was conducted at Kaposvár University with Pannon Ka growing rabbits. Weaned rabbits (n= 60 Lean and 60 Fat rabbits/room) were housed in two identical rooms where the temperature was controlled with air conditioner. In the control room the average ambient temperature was 20°C and in the other room it was 28°C. The rabbits were born in these rooms, and were housed from weaning (5 wk) to slaughtering (13 wk) in wire-mesh cages (2 rabbits/cage) and fed ad libitum with commercial pellet. Body weight and feed consumption was measured fortnightly and the individual weight gain and feed conversion ratio were calculated. At the end of the experiment rabbits were slaughtered. The temperature significantly influenced the production performance and carcass traits. On higher temperature feed intake, weight gain and body weight decreased but the feed conversion ratio improved. The Lean rabbits were heavier and their chilled carcass was greater than Fat rabbits on higher temperature. On control temperature Fat rabbits consumed more feed and their feed conversion ratio deteriorated. The perirenal and scapular fat were lower on higher temperature in both genotype, but Fat rabbits had significantly more fat than Lean rabbits. The higher temperature had negative effect on the production but Lean rabbits had better results in some traits than Fat rabbits.pp. 89-93.engrowing rabbitsproductiondifferent temperaturebody fat contentAZ ELTÉRŐ KÖRNYEZETI HŐMÉRSÉKLET HATÁSÁNAK VIZSGÁLATA ALACSONY ÉS MAGAS TESTZSÍRTARTALOMRA SZELEKTÁLT NÖVENDÉKNYULAKONproceedingsno_restrictiontudományterületek::állattenyésztési tudományok