Gula, MariannaPásku, Adrienn2022-01-052022-01-052021-11-29 intend to discuss reductive stereotypes in films made by non-Irish filmmakers about Irish culture. The movies I will analyze are The Quiet Man (1952) and Leap Year (2010), both of which idealize romanticize Irish culture and both landscape the west of Ireland in particular. The Quiet Man (1952) and Leap Year (2010) are separated by several decades, therefore I believe they can also be used to analyze whether or not progress regarding the stereotypical portrayal and the romanticization can be seen.22encinemaIrelandstereotypesROMANTICIZING RURAL IRELAND ON THE AMERICAN SCREEN: THE QUIET MAN (1952) AND LEAP YEAR (2010)diplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Kultúratudomány