Tóth, ÁgnesLavotta, Koppány2013-02-202013-02-202011-04-142013-02-20http://hdl.handle.net/2437/160185At the end of the day, I believe that exactly the pastiche atmosphere accounts for the cult status of the Matrix. First, it blends the old archetypal narrative with the postmodern condition of virtual reality; create a new kind of hero. The ‘One’ composed out of many of the preceding heroes of any culture or period; the ‘One’ who appeals to the widest array of people possible; from a comic-raised teenager to researching scholars.40enpostmodernismMatrixHyperreal, Messiah, CyberpunkdiplomamunkaThe Matrix EthosDEENK Témalista::Társadalomtudományok::Kultúrális antropológiaip