Koczogh, Helga VandaSzűcs, Noémi2013-05-022013-05-0220132013-05-02http://hdl.handle.net/2437/166459In my diploma work, I investigate gender differences in the use of the discourse marker you know. Although many studies (e.g., Fraser, 1990; Furkó, 2007; Jucker, 1993; Schiffrin, 1987) can be found on DMs in general, only a few of them (Dines, 1980; Koczogh & Furkó, 2011) take into consideration the gender differences that exist between men and women’s uses of DMs. Thus, because of the scarcity of this kind of studies, I found it interesting to deal with this topic.50engender differencesdiscourse marker'you know'Gender Differences in the Use of the Discourse Marker 'You Know' in Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex InterviewsdiplomamunkaDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudományip