Bodzás, SándorSun, Biyao2024-06-202024-06-202024-05-21 main purpose of this paper is to design the geometric design of flat body turning tool and the finite element analysis of it. I introduced the geometric design of the turning tool and the content of finite analysis, and then proposed four different design schemes. Then, I drew the designed turning tool and the workpiece through 2 and 3 dimensional composition, and built a three-dimensional model. Finally, for the analysis of simulation results, I mainly carried out three aspects of analysis. Total deformation, equivalent stress and equivalent elastic strain. These three data can well analyze the stress of the turning tool in the working process, which will also make my design more accurate. By summarizing these three types of data, I got the basic data of turning tools of four different design schemes, which I also summarized in the paper. All in all, the design of these four kinds of turning tools meet the requirements.60enFem AnalysisANSYSStructure designGeometric design and fem analysis of flat form tools having length modificationsEngineering SciencesHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.