Mohammed, SafwanAl marshudi, Amjad2024-06-112024-06-112024-05-01 study provides a comprehensive examination of the fluctuations in CH4 emissions from wetlands across the European Union (EU) over a specific timeframe from (1990-2020) and a projected period from (2020-2040). The study employs statistical techniques such as Mann-Kendall Analysis, Sen's Slope estimation, Tukey Test comparisons, and Principal Component Analysis to evaluate trends, magnitudes, and patterns of CH4 emissions, along with constructed bibliometric network using VOSviewer tool.66enGreenhouse gasesClimate change mitigationMethane CH4WetlandsEU PoliciesA comprehensive assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from wetlands within the european union (1990-2040)Mezőgazdaságtudomány::Víz- és környezetgazdálkodásHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.