György , CsomósTaheri, Saheleh2024-06-242024-06-242024-05-29 public transportation is crucial for urban planning due to rising urbanization and increased transportation demands. Sustainable systems aim to balance economic, social, and environmental needs by creating efficient networks, reducing pollution, and using clean energy. These systems enhance quality of life, promote environmental conservation, and ensure intergenerational fairness. Key features include minimal environmental impact, diverse mobility options, economic support, and operational efficiency. Indicators to evaluate these systems cover economic, social, and environmental aspects, such as employment rates, income distribution, resource consumption, and public health. Strategies for sustainable transportation include coordinating land use with transit planning, revitalizing urban centers, and improving transit services. Implementing innovative solutions and addressing current weaknesses can foster livable cities that maintain high living standards while protecting the environment for future generations.89 pagesentransportation systemsustainable transportationDevelopment of public transportation system in order to achieve sustainable transportation in IsfahanEngineering SciencesHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.