Kruppa, Kinga TündeJiang, Binxu2024-06-232024-06-232024-04-27 chose 3D game development in Unity as the topic of my thesis. Unity is a video game engine that makes it easy to design and create 2D and 3D games. With its help, we can create different animations, effects, and behaviors in our game. I am familiar with RPG games and have a great interest in this field. So I developed a 3D RPG game, and in my thesis, I introduced the RPG game, the Unity engine, and the process of the game development in detail.51en3D RPG GameUnityGame DevelopmentDesign and development of a 3D RPG game using UnityInformatics::Information TechnologyHozzáférhető a 2022 decemberi felsőoktatási törvénymódosítás értelmében.