Kovács, SzilveszterHorváth, Csongor Márk2017-12-192017-12-192017-12-19http://hdl.handle.net/2437/246577The main goal of this paper is to discuss a new paradigm for robot teaching and supervising which is based on cognitive info-communication channels for human-machine interaction. According to the studied concept the robot is considered as an unskilled worker “who” (which) is strong and capable for precise manufacturing. “He” (it) has a special kind of intelligence, but “he” is handicapped in some senses, that is why “he” needs special treatment. We must command “him” clearly in a special way and we must supervise “his” work. If we can elaborate a proper way for communicating with this “new worker”, as an additional dimension of robotization, we can get a capable new “colleague”. The ultimate goal is to help the boss to be able to give the daily task to a robot in a similar way as he/she able to give the jobs to the human workers. For example, by providing the CAD documentation with some additional verbal explanation.encognitive info-communicationhuman-machine interactionNew cognitive info-communication channels for human-machine interactionArticle10.17667/riim.2017.1/9.14