Dávid, GyulaCzakó, Anita2013-01-162013-01-162012-04-132013-01-16http://hdl.handle.net/2437/156161The role of translation is sometimes a neglected area in our society. In language teaching translation does not get enough attention. Its appearance in the classroom generally depends on the teachers’ preference. However, it used to be a common task in foreign language learning and it is still popular in many other fields today as well. The reason why it should be a current testing strategy is that only those people can convert a text into another language who are able to understand and transmit the source. The aim of my thesis is to observe the quality of translating abilities of secondary school students in decontextualised grammar-based environment.48ensecond language learningeffect in second language acquisitionresearchTranslation of Decontextualized SentencesdiplomamunkaAchievements of Secondary School StudentsDEENK Témalista::Nyelvtudomány::Alkalmazott nyelvészetip