Borus, GyörgyAgbodike, Elsie2015-04-162015-04-162015-04 recent times, historical studies of slavery focused mainly on male slaves, as it was mostly males who worked on plantations and in mines on the American continents. It is since the late 1990s that more and more attention has been paid to the lives of female slaves, whose stories offer interesting and rich material for historians. In my thesis, I will focus on the lives of slave women mainly in the Southern states of the United States, relying on some of the historical studies in this field.29enNevezd meg! - Ne add el! - Ne változtasd! 2.5 MagyarországslaveryresistanceUS historySuffering, Solidarity, and ResistancediplomamunkaAspects of the Lives of Slave Women in the American SouthDEENK Témalista::Történelemtudomány::Egyetemes történet